F.A.Q.s (Frequently Asked Questions)
1.  How does a student achieve each belt level?  A student is required to learn various components of our karate system. These components are referred to as stripe requirements which are comprised of various drills and kata.  Successful completion of a stripe requirement is designated by a stripe being placed on the student's belt.  A student must have 3 stripes on their belt to be eligible to test for the next level. 
Senior kids (8 & up) are expected to memorize and perform their requirements independently while Dragon students (4-7) progress when they are able to perform their skills while following along with the instructor.  A list of all requirements is posted in class.

2.  What is a belt grading? A belt grading is a test of each student's skill level in karate.  At a grading one can expect to be tested on all of the stripe requirements up to their level.  A grading is meant to test a student's physical and mental ability.  In order to succeed at a belt test the student must show proper dojo etiquette, spirit and skill for the level being tested. 

3.  When are belt gradings held?  Belt gradings are generally held every 2 months.  The monthly calendar provides the date and times of all belt tests.  As students progress at their own rates and as there are different time requirements at different belt levels, not all students will necessarily be eligible to test at all gradings.  Dragon students, however, given reasonable attendance, usually grade together as a class.

4.  How many belt levels are there?  There are 7 belts in the Little Dragons program and 12 belts from white to black in the Senior Kids and Adult programs.  See our members page for a diagram of colours.

5.  Where does our style of karate come from?
Our style of karate, Shorin-Ryu, is from Okinawa, the birthplace of karate.  Okinawa is an island off the coast of mainland Japan.  It is part of the chain of islands known as the Ryukyu Islands.

6.  Who is the highest ranked Black Belt in our style? The highest ranked Black Belt is Minoru Nakazato.  Hanshi Nakazato holds the rank of 10th degree Black Belt.  He is the grand master of Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan and currently resides in Okinawa.  In 2013 he was promoted by his father Shugoro Nakazato to 10th Dan and chief instructor of the Shorinkan.

7.  What is kata?
Kata is a sequence of pre-arranged movements that contain hidden karate techniques and self defence.  The kata in our system has maintained it's integrity over many centuries.  Kata is the essence of karate.

8.  What is kumite?  Kumite (sparring) is the art of fighting.  Kumite is strictly regulated.  Proper protective equipment is mandatory at all our dojos and must be ordered through your instructor.  Junior students participate in non-contact sparring drills while senior students participate in controlled sparring with a partner.

9.   What is kobudo?  Kobudo is the study of traditinal Okinawan weapons including nunchaku (nunchucks), bo staff, sai, tonfa, kama and tekko. All Students have the opportunity to train in kobudo monthly at
no extra charge.
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